Monday, March 9, 2009

One Week...Awwww, just a week?

So, for all the folks out there either tormented by or intimately acquainted with wanderlust, there is a new movie for you.

It stars Joshua Jackson as a young man diagnosed with cancer and the folly of finding meaning in a life with a time limit.

It started off strong with a healthy dose of dark comedy and I had high hopes for the movie in it's entirety. Unfortunately it couldn't decide what movie it wanted to be. The dark humor disappeared and the tone of the film rollercoastered the rest of the way.

The characters were likable enough that your heartstrings were successfully tugged but they fell flat since they managed to do nothing but gaze into space looking forlorn.

Overall the movie was inconsistent in acting, tone, humor, pacing etc. Save yourself some time and just watch "Into the Wild" again, you'll be much happier.

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