I'll be blogging every banal detail of my 11 days in Japan for my own amusement and posterity. You've been warned.
We get to Pearson nice and early, with plenty of time to catch our flight. Sit down and have a meal with Quinn and eventually Rob and Phil at Coyote Jacks. All seems fine since we've already dealt with customs and baggage, we're all set to go. With our tickets in hand we head for our gate.
There was the first of many heart-stopping moments when Rob is reprimanded for a seriously underdressed group of travel companions they begin threatening to bar us from the flight. On further reflection Rob is sure that it's more likely good natured ribbing but at the time it seemed ludicrously serious. They adjust Quinn's seat and put him at the very back of the Boeing 777.
12 hours and a handful of crappy movies later we are setting down in Narita. Security and customs are quick and easy with the exception of having to find an address to put on our paperwork even though we have no idea where we're staying at this point.
It turns out Rob wasn't staying in Japan but actually just flying us over and then hopping directly onto the return flight, too crazy, it's not an easy trek.
While sitting in arrivals we met an English teacher named Adam. His parents were on their way from L.A. to China with a stopover in Narita so he'd come down for a brief visit.
Unfortunatley they ended up stuck on the plane so he made the long journey for nothing. He was nice enough to let us tag along as he made his way back into Tokyo on the train. We followed him as far as Nipporri before we parted ways and went to look for somewhere to sleep. Not the best plan...
Danny Choo
3 years ago