Sunday, November 16, 2008

Somehow I needed two blogs?

So, I've decided to try and improve my writing skill and style doing something I enjoy. I'll be reviewing a horror movie everyday as long as I can at Feel free to check it out until I become some desensitized cyborg and go on a rampage.

It happens.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Brooklyn Warlords

I'm happy to report I've finished my very first script. I'll be even happier once it's been edited and rewritten and it's protected well enough to share. That being said I thought I would tell someone, so the blog it is.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wok with Yan!

I decided to get over my phobia of kitchen appliances and take a stab at some Asian cuisine. The house is still standing, the pets are still fuzzy and adorable and I'm not a hideous freak that must remain hidden from society, I would consider it a success. Click on the pictures for actual working pics, I'll eventually get this figured out.



The meal consisted of Japanese clear soup that wound up tasting like hot vinegar with vegetables. congee with Chinese sausage and Kara-age chicken. The chicken had to be deep fried so there was a legitimate risk of me ending up crispy and golden brown.


Now that I'm a seasoned deep frying professional I did what any patriotic Canadian would do on Remembrance day, I deep fried chocolate bars. Win, it was the most delicious pain ever.



Now before anyone panics, I had a friend help me finish them off. Four may have required an emergency room visit.




Monday, November 10, 2008

Sympatico should not be allowed to review good movies.

This is a review of a review and more than a little ranty, enjoy.

Sympatico has released a review of Repo! The Genetic Opera. It doesn't state who wrote it or where I can direct some criticisms of my own. They start of with "Repo! The Genetic Opera" is one of the worst films of the year, if not all time." Wow, harsh.

The fact that the best comparisons this reviewer can make are "Sweeney Todd" and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" indicates to me that not only are they under the age of twenty and only able to name of the most current and the most famous of musicals, but that they definitely know not of which they write.

First, I would only make the "Sweeney Todd" comparison for two reasons, the fact that it was a stage show adapted and the overall nihilistic world view and tone. Other than that I would even say they are in different genres, making a distinction between traditional musicals and rock operas.

If they wanted proper comparisons they would have gone with Brian De Palma's psychedelic "Phantom of the Paradise" or even "Jesus Christ Superstar". If they wanted to use "Rocky Horror" they should at least acknowledge that hacks like themselves wrote the same types of review for "Rocky Horror" in the 70's and look at the following now.

They go on to say that the only reason people have heard of Repo! is Paris Hilton. So, not only can they offer such disrespect to an eclectic collection of mainstream actors and cult icons but they also want to appeal to the standard group of Paris haters that will discount the movie on her alone, well thought out don't you think?

I mean it's not like anyone's heard of Anthony Stewart Head (Buffy, Rocky Horror) Sarah Brightman (fantastic and well respected singer) Paul Sorvino (ridiculous amount of movies since 1970) Bill Mosely (TCM 2, House of 100 Corpses etc.) and even Ogre from Skinny Puppy, shall I go on. The fact that the review boils that down to a Paris Hilton movie is immature and crass, I would be embarrassed to lay claim to a review like this.

The review also thinks Shakespeare is a hack since it mocks the use of an unbiased characters narrative on the events which is the purpose Zdunich's Grave Robber character serves.

I think the only reason this particular review bothered me is because it was obviously put together by someone who is unfamiliar or unimpressed with not only the genre it falls into but the many genre's it was obviously influenced by.

I would encourage everyone to go see it and pass their own judgement. This movie will be raked over the coals and the same people that try and destroy it now will be lining up for the midnight shows down the line when "everyone else is doing it" so they can feel hip and informed.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Professional Crastination

I've gotten lazy with the posting (not that I had much momentum before) but now I have resolve. On a separate note, I've joined the masses of 15 year old anime/manga fanboys and joined Deviant Art. My doodles and photography are out in the world for the first time ever, huzzah. this should work. I'd ask someone to check it but I think I'm the only one reading the blog at this point.

Since my last post there has been a drift competition, a blown engine and a week long horror festival but they will all get their own posts.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Rue Morgue Festival of Fear. Despite being horror obsessed for so long, this was actually my first convention. There is an overwhelming and dizzying sensation when faced with the combination of groups of people, noise and the fanboy obsession with meeting your heroes.



Tobe Hooper (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Eaten Alive, Poltergeist, Salems Lot) was laid back and friendly even with my friend behind me saying "There's a velvet rope, I can't get you in the shot." lol A signed copy of Eaten Alive now occupies my living room.


Brad Dourif most well known now as the voice of Chucky in the Child's Play series (One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Exorcist 3, Deadwood) seemed to genuinely enjoy himself.


Sid Haig (THX 1138, Spider Baby, House of 1000 Corpses/Devils Rejects) spent his time mocking the announcers and wandering around the show. Personable and friendly, I walked away with a signed copy of Devil's Rejects.


Mr. Kaufman was there basking in the glory that is the Troma booth with the most fantastic shirt at the show.


John Saxon (Nightmare on Elm St, Black Christmas, Tenebre) was part of the Black Christmas panel, signing autographs and fielding questions).


Ruggero Deodato of Cannibal Holocaust fame was the high point of the day. Upon shaking his hand I was essentialy dragged into the booth for a picture. I don't generally post pictures of myself but I can't be blamed for my shocked (sort of goofy) look.


I don't know how to stop the left hand of this photo from being cut off, meh.

Amazing time that I can't wait to experience again. I spent too much money but had ridiculous amounts of fun. I ended up with a signed copy of Eaten Alive, a signed copy of Devil's Rejects, a signed photo of Deodato and Eli Roth (now I just have to track down Roth's signiture. To make my day complete I also one a pretty epic Dario Argento metal box set in a trivia contest one of the booths was having. Epic win.

Friday, August 1, 2008

New Forum

Apparently Speed Hero is not only too cool for school but also too cool for the local car forums. The answer...

Small now but just wait...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When I was seventeen, I drank a very good beer.
I drank a very good beer I purchased, with a...
Actually the girlfriend purchased it. Damn good though not very apple.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Have you ever had one of those moments? You're sitting minding your own business when you get the eerie feeling you're being watched by evil robots, you look up and...


Wednesday, July 23, 2008